(Notification No. 91918 MCC/358/2023-GAD-E4/5 dated 09/11/2024)
Malabar Cancer Centre-Post Graduate Institute of Oncology Sciences & Research invites Applications through Online for the post of Senior Residents (On contract) in Pathology, Clinical Hematology & Medical Oncology, Anesthiology, Imageology, Surgical Oncology & Radiation Oncology.
Sl.No |
Senior Residency/Department |
Download Notification |
Apply Online |
01 |
Pathology |
| [CLOSED] |
02 |
Clinical Hematology& Medical Oncology |
03 |
Anesthiology |
04 |
Imageology |
05 |
Radiation Oncology |
06 |
Surgical Oncology |
* The above mentioned vacancies are tentative and subject to change without prior notice.
Interested candidates may apply through online ( Read the instructions carefully before filling up the application online. Incomplete and erroneous applications will be summarily rejected.
- The candidates should apply ONLINE through our website
- Age Limit: The candidates should be below 45 years of age as on 01st January 2025.
Notification shall be kept live in website till the vacancy is filled. Application will be scrutinized and processed on a monthly basis. The application received will be processed on the 5th working day of every succeeding month. If the corresponding position within the Department has been filled, the position will be frozen till additional requirements arise. The Rejection list/ Short list of applications for Test/Interview will be published in
the website. If there is any discrepancy noticed in the application, the non-compliance shall be communicated through e mail of the respective applicant and an appeal time of 5 days shall be provided for rectifications, if any.
- Application fee is Rs.2,500/- (Rupees Two Thousand and five hundred only).The application fee shall be paid online through the payment gateway system provided in the online application. Once paid, the Application Fee will not be reimbursed.
- Please assure that you have the following, before proceeding to Online Registration.
• Your photograph in digital form with the following specifications
Maximum Image Size: 30Kb
Image Dimension: 150W X 200H px
Image Type: .jpg format
• Copy of your signature (150Wx150H dimension) in .jpg format withsize less than 30kb.
• Scanned copy of document to prove Age in .pdf format with size lessthan 100kb.
• Scanned copy of documents to prove qualification as a single (pdf file) with size less 300kb.
- Consolidated pay for all categories is Rs. 73,500 /- per month. The stipend will be disbursed through Bank account only. The Senior Resident shall open a Saving’s Bank Account with MCC-PGIOSR’s official Bank(ICICI).For Diploma candidates, the stipend will be Rs.68,000/- per month
- Positions will be open for one year on pure contractual basis. Positions may be renewed at the discretion of Malabar Cancer Centre-Post Graduate Institute of Oncology Sciences & Research for a maximum period of 3 years.
- During the period, the Resident shall be eligible only for 1day Casual Leave per month and also eligible for closed holidays declared by MCC (PGIOSR) annually.
- The Resident shall work on duty as requested by MCC(PGIOSR).
- The post shall terminate on the expiry of the period specified aforesaid. However, the Resident can make an application for an early termination of the contract by submitting two months prior notice, if he/she fails, two months’ salary should be paid to get relieving order.
- Minimum attendance of 6 months will be required for issuing experience certificate. The still working certificate will be issue while working in MCC-PGIOSR and it is restricted to one in a contract period.
- Log book should be compulsorily maintained and copy should be submitted to MCC(PGIOSR).
- Accommodation will have to be arranged by the candidate.
- The Resident will execute an agreement with MCC(PGIOSR) incorporating all the above conditions.
- The selection is always through performance and assessment of the merit of the candidate. The selection is through a selection interview with due importance to academic performances, research and clinical skills, past records and attitude. The suitability will be thoroughly assessed .This may precede a screening test-written examination/online test or skill test if the number of candidates is more than 10. The written/online test shall be avoided if the number of candidates is less than the number
of vacant posts or less than or equal to 10. In such case the candidate may appear for Selection interview only. Screening test is at the discretion of the institute.
a. The written test or skill test will be conducted by General Administration, via Online/offline. The written test/Skill Test will carry 15 marks. This written test/skill test/practical test will be considered for screening purpose ONLY and marks will not be counted in the Selection Interview. Candidate should score at least 50% of marks in screening test/Practical, in total, for qualifying for attending the interview.
b. Pass in the written test alone will not be criteria for attending the selection interview, as the qualification prescribed for the post will be scrupulously scrutinized before, during or after the interview. Even if a candidate is permitted to appear for written test and qualified for interview, later found to be not meeting the qualification or criteria mentioned, he or she will not be called for the selection interview.
c. Candidates selected in the written test will have to appear before a Selection Interview board of MCC(PGIOSR).
d. Approved panel shall conduct Interview physically
- All communications, including the interview call letter, from MCC(PGIOSR) will be only through e-mail/ MCC(PGIOSR)’s Website. Candidates are advised to visit our website regularly for updates/notices and announcements.
- For any clarifications, please contact 0490-2399207 ( 09.00 AM- 05.00 PM except Saturday and Sunday) or Email:
- Please contact Health IT Division 0490 2399 400,422,701 for technical support(online application/onlne Payment) if required.
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